IP Seizer
IP Seizer is a free portable network utility to give you a list of all IP addresses currently in use on your network and what machines and devices are using them. The program gives the hostname, MAC address and workgroup or domain name.
IP Seizer can be run in two different modes, quick and thorough. The quick mode is the normal mode but may miss a few devices. The thorough mode will take longer to complete but will ping all the addresses to see what can be found. This mode should be used when looking for devices such as wireless bridges, switches, network cameras, printers etc.
Once the scan has been completed you can save or print the list by clicking the appropriate buttons on the tool bar.
A selected item in the list can be launched in the browser by clicking the "open in IE" button on the tool bar. This is useful for devices which have web interfaces built into them which allow them to be configured via the browser. Examples of these kind of devices are routers, network printers, network security cameras, wireless bridges, network switches, network storage devices and personal video recorders.
IP Seizer is a perfect tool for network administrators because is does not noted to be installed to run. Therefore it can be put onto a USB memory stick or CD/DVD and run at will.
Version 1.05 - Below is a screenshot of the new version of IP Seizer
Geographical Location

Geographical location finder is a new feature introduced in version 1.05. This looks up the location of a given external IP address.
This new feature uses a built in database which allows it to work offline. This data needs to updated frequently so download new versions regularly.